The Best Way to Get to Know Somebody.

The Best Way to Get to Know Somebody.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Name Six: Ways Teenagers Have it Easier Than We Did

Rick to Seth:

Name Six ways teenagers have it easier than we did.

*Seth and Rick are both in thier 30's, so it's been a bit of time since they were teenagers*

This is a fun one, cause I get to be the cranky old man for a bit. Most of these revolve around the world of technology, for those are the greatest differences between now and then. But I think people don't realise the specifics of things.

1. Cell Phones: For the modern teen these suckers are invaluable, and yet, we didn't have'em at all. Besides all the fun and distraction they can provide, it was a pain in the butt having to coordinate any type of event with friends. If someone was going to be late or had to cancel there was NO WAY to let people know. You just got ditched. I have walked alone in lonely malls in my life, these kids don't understand.

2. Social Media: Twitter, Facebook, Evite etc.... we didn't have it. So if we wanted to plan a party or share news with folks, we had to hunt them down ourselves. Don't get me wrong, this stuff can be used for bad as well as good, but anyone who ever had to go to kinkos to get invitations printed out knows this stuff is way better.

3.Video games: This one is just simple. Compare the WORST game of today versus the BEST games of my time and there is still no comparision. Games today are amazing.

4. MP3's/Itunes: Back in my day, you had to buy an entire album if you liked one song. Then if you wanted to make a mix you have to get a double tape deck and record them one at a time, which left you with a crappy sounding tape. Now, you can spend a few bucks, get the newest songs in seconds and have them with perfect quality.

5. Hulu/TIVO/Netflix: I'm going to lump these all together because they all equate to the same thing.... people can watch whatever they want whenever they want. When I was a kid, I cried for a hour when I missed an episode of the Muppet show. AN HOUR! Now a days you can catch not only any show on TV, but also find almost any show ever made, and every movie as well. Oye!

6. Access to art: In general, the internet, the various TV programs, and every media outlet know to man is available to teens right now. I'll admit is is an overload and the one thing the internet desperatly needs is context, but it does give an interesting ability for people to seek out new things that interest them. I was lucky that I found Improv when I did and had a chance to start very early with it. And I just hope that kids will use what they have to find what they are looking for and be able to chase after it.

Readers: Name 6 differences between yourself and another generation. Good or bad.

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