The Best Way to Get to Know Somebody.

The Best Way to Get to Know Somebody.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Name Six: Memories of My Sisters

From Rick to Seth:
Name six memories you have of your sisters, (two for each).

*Seth has three sisters, two older and one younger. They all now live on the east coast. 

As to not open old wounds, or pass along embarrassing stories, I will restrain these six to positive experiences. I shall go in order of age.

My oldest sister Abby:

1. I credit Abby with introducing me to many things that I still cherish today. One of those things is fantasy fiction, specifically the authors Robert Aspirin and R.A. Salvatore. The books she gave me of theirs were Another Fine Myth and The Crystal Shard respectively. Both of them literally changed my life since they were the first books I ever read that didn't involve Garfield of his friends.

2. The second memory of Abby that I cherish is when she took me along with her and her friends to see George Carlin live. I don't remember how old I was, but since I was still living in NY at the time I was pre-high school age. Bringing your underage little brother to see a comedy genius, that's pretty awesome.

My older sister Megan:

3. Megan has a very sharp memory, and many of things I think I remember from childhood she tells me never happened. And this may be one of those things, but I'm gunna tell it anyway. I remember an instance when I was very young (under 5) and me and Meg were sitting on the washer and dryer in our house in Middletown, and staring at the light bulb in the room. We would then turn the light off and try and grab for the flashy pops that would stay in your vision. Of course I figured out later in life that this was bad for your eyes and a horrible activity, but hey, that's growing up.

4. Megan and I have had a big of a contentious relationship at times, which has been fueled from both sides, really. It may be in part to us being too similar in some ways, but I'm not sure. Anyway, knowing the disagreements we've had, I found it a huge honor when she asked me to speak at her wedding. I rehearsed that speech literally a hundred times before I gave it, and still my hand was shaking for the first few minutes. It went well, if a big long, and I still remember how happy Meg was.  Making Megan smile and laugh on her big day, will always be a moment I cherish.        

My younger sister Samara:

5. Sam has always been the young starlet of the family. She is the youngest in our cousin group that was kind of raised together, so she has always garnished alot of attention. Needless to say, when we younger, we fought alot. And it wasn't until we matured that we really became great friends. ANYWAY, one of the maneuvers that my parents conceived to get us to work together in those contentious years was to force us to buy a Nintendo together... and share it. It was difficult at times, but I do believe that joint effort may have started us down the path of having to work together for a common goal.

6. Years after the Nintendo system agreement, while were still both living in Wyoming, Sam and I embarked on a few road trips back east. (Once alone and once with our mother) On both occasions we chose to drive straight through without stopping, from Cheyenne, Wyo to Hackettstown NJ. The drive time, not including stops is almost exactly 26 hours. One of us would drive, and the other would sleep or read trivia questions. I look back on those trips and think two things A. "What kind of insane people would drive for a day straight?" and B, "I loved the chance to bond with my little sis."

Readers: Name six memories of your siblings. And if you didn't have any, name six memories of childhood friends. and if you didn't have any of those.... please don't hunt me down and eat my face.

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